iPhone 6 with a 4.8 inch screen
The Jefferies analyst Peter Misek says the next iPhone 6 will be equipped with a 4.8-inch screen against 4 inches for the iPhone 5. It has revised upwards its forecast for the course of action and considers that the 5C model does not succeed enough.
Everyone can think what he wants rumors and predictions of other "analysts" but Peter Misek of Jefferies is not a beginner. Like everyone else, he came to deceive but overall its forecasts are pretty accurate. Moreover, it does not draw its conclusions from his wet finger but from detailed analyzes of the market and meetings with key stakeholders, particularly manufacturers in the Far East.
In his last note, Peter Misek said he met last week several Apple subcontractors which allowed him to reach this conclusion: the next generation iPhone 6 will be equipped with a larger screen , 4.8 inches diagonally against 4 inches for the iPhone 5. As for the date, he plans September 2014. In addition to the information that has been obtained, the analyst bases its forecasts on market data, in particular the market share screens over 4 inches which accounted for 50% of sales in the last quarter against 20% a year earlier. In these circumstances, Mr. Miesek believes there will be a strong replacement market. "We believe that 85 iPhone eligible for an upgrade when the release of the iPhone 6 million will be boosted by 5 to 10 million people who have skipped the upgrade to the range 5S/5C" writes analyst Jeferies.
Raised Apple's share
Under these conditions, it raised its forecast during Apple's share (U.S. 487.75 $ in closing yesterday). Neutral with a price target to 450, it goes to "buy" with the goal to 600$. In addition to the sales forecasts, he believes Apple will succeed in maintaining or raising margins. Indeed, at the beginning of the year, some of Apple's suppliers had prided power "arm-twisting" in California manufacturer in negotiations on the price of components used in the manufacture of the iPhone. Mr. Misek believes that it is not the case today.
However, it points to a big downside to this idyllic picture: sales 5C model. Also according to his meetings with suppliers, production forecasts have been lowered from 30 to 20 and 15 million. However, this failure, if confirmed, could remain on the extent it represents other potential upgrade to the iPhone 6.
Everyone can think what he wants rumors and predictions of other "analysts" but Peter Misek of Jefferies is not a beginner. Like everyone else, he came to deceive but overall its forecasts are pretty accurate. Moreover, it does not draw its conclusions from his wet finger but from detailed analyzes of the market and meetings with key stakeholders, particularly manufacturers in the Far East.
In his last note, Peter Misek said he met last week several Apple subcontractors which allowed him to reach this conclusion: the next generation iPhone 6 will be equipped with a larger screen , 4.8 inches diagonally against 4 inches for the iPhone 5. As for the date, he plans September 2014. In addition to the information that has been obtained, the analyst bases its forecasts on market data, in particular the market share screens over 4 inches which accounted for 50% of sales in the last quarter against 20% a year earlier. In these circumstances, Mr. Miesek believes there will be a strong replacement market. "We believe that 85 iPhone eligible for an upgrade when the release of the iPhone 6 million will be boosted by 5 to 10 million people who have skipped the upgrade to the range 5S/5C" writes analyst Jeferies.
Raised Apple's share
Under these conditions, it raised its forecast during Apple's share (U.S. 487.75 $ in closing yesterday). Neutral with a price target to 450, it goes to "buy" with the goal to 600$. In addition to the sales forecasts, he believes Apple will succeed in maintaining or raising margins. Indeed, at the beginning of the year, some of Apple's suppliers had prided power "arm-twisting" in California manufacturer in negotiations on the price of components used in the manufacture of the iPhone. Mr. Misek believes that it is not the case today.
However, it points to a big downside to this idyllic picture: sales 5C model. Also according to his meetings with suppliers, production forecasts have been lowered from 30 to 20 and 15 million. However, this failure, if confirmed, could remain on the extent it represents other potential upgrade to the iPhone 6.
iPhone 6 with a 4.8 inch screen
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