AfterBarrier Reef,it is the turnof the seabedof the Principality ofMonacotosoon jointheGoogleStreet Viewservice.
The project is being finalized, but the Principality of Monaco, including the oceanographic museum of the Rock have teamed up with Google to make an underwater mapping Monaco funds. Google uses a submarine capable of photographing the funds, as do Google because on earth. The diver chef Christophe Bailhache, operations director Catlin Seaview Survey (name of the project funded by a British insurer) told our colleagues AFP that his team had made "2000 panoramic shots 360 degree in high resolution ".
The seabed Monaco
Seabed Monaco
The goal isthat userscan visitwithout getting wetseabedMonaco,theStreet Viewmode.Visitors to the museumcanseethe first picturesforChristmas.The goal is toraise public awareness ofenvironmental issues affectingthe seauserssoondiscoverimages onGoogleMap.