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Antiterrorism, AT & T sells its data to the CIA

10 million dollars annually, the amount of the contract between AT & T and the CIA in the fight against terrorism. The operator provides the phone records of suspects by the Central Intelligence Agency.

New York Times  reveals today that the CIA pays more than 10 million dollars per year to AT & T, the largest U.S. telephone company. In return, the latter provide telephone data of persons suspected of terrorist links. This "deal" is the subject of a voluntary contract, unlike the NSA eavesdropping that take place on the basis of court orders requiring companies to cooperate.

AT & T says law enforcement
10 million dollars annually, the amount of the contract between AT & T and the CIA in the fight against terrorism. The operator provides the phone records of suspects by the Central Intelligence Agency.The U.S. daily says that CIA agents provide the phone numbers of people based abroad and they suspect of terrorism. AT & T then passes its database screened to provide the agency with a report containing a list of calls made and received by the suspect calls. When the contacts are from the United States , AT & T would not disclose the identity of the owner of the number and hide some of the figures in order to comply with the law that protects the privacy of Americans. In any case the assertion Dean Boyd, a spokesman for the CIA.  Remarks by Mark Siegel, spokesman for AT & T: "We respect the privacy of our customers and work hard to protect ensuring observance of the law in all respects ." It was added to the NYT : "We do not comment on matters relating to national security ," these issues of a secret defense.

Such a program is justified, according to a senior U.S. intelligence was quoted as saying said the official "CIA must be very responsive and go quickly. This requires action immediately explains that the CIA has developed its own programs of legal acquisition of foreign intelligence".

Top Secret America

However, if the documents Edward Snowden focused attention on listening to that particular agency system, we should not forget that there are many other American institutions specialized in intelligence.

10 million dollars annually, the amount of the contract between AT & T and the CIA in the fight against terrorism. The operator provides the phone records of suspects by the Central Intelligence Agency.

In 2010, the Washington Post published a major survey titled: "Top Secret America." Journalists were then made ​​an inventory of services related to sprawling national security and developed in the United States since the September 11 attacks. Thus the newspaper notes that the time-governmental agency in 1271 and 1931 private companies spread over 10 000 sites in the United States, working on programs related to the fight against terrorism and intelligence, employing nearly 854,000 people
Antiterrorism, AT & T sells its data to the CIA Antiterrorism, AT & T sells its data to the CIA مراجعة من قبل fortech في 5:48 م تصنيف: 5