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Facebook for iOS lets you edit your posts and add a photo to a comment

Facebook for iOS lets you edit your posts and comments. This feature has recently been added to the web version of Facebook is now also accessible from an iPhone or iPad. In addition, you can add a photo comment and quickly change the privacy settings of a publication.

Editing a publication and a comment from an iPhone or iPad is simple. Let's start with the publications.

Facebook for iOS lets you edit your posts and comments. This feature has recently been added to the web version of Facebook is now also accessible from an iPhone or iPad. In addition, you can add a photo comment and quickly change the privacy settings of a publication.

How to edit a publication:
  1. Select the publication you want to change.
  2. The right side of the window of the publication, press the arrow pointing down.
  3. A window with several options will appear on the screen.
  4. If you wish to update or correct your post, select "Edit publication".
This menu also gives you the ability to edit the privacy settings of your publication.  

Facebook for iOS lets you edit your posts and comments. This feature has recently been added to the web version of Facebook is now also accessible from an iPhone or iPad. In addition, you can add a photo comment and quickly change the privacy settings of a publication.
How to edit a comment: 
  1.  Select the comment you want to edit.
  2.  With your finger, press your comment.
  3.  The menu allows you to change your comment will appear.  

Facebook for iOS lets you edit your posts and comments. This feature has recently been added to the web version of Facebook is now also accessible from an iPhone or iPad. In addition, you can add a photo comment and quickly change the privacy settings of a publication.
->Download Facebook For iOS

You will notice that a camera icon appears on the left side of the field you can enter a comment. Tap this icon to add a picture to a comment. 
Facebook for iOS lets you edit your posts and add a photo to a comment Facebook for iOS lets you edit your posts and add a photo to a comment مراجعة من قبل fortech في 7:55 ص تصنيف: 5