Android KitKat 4.4.3 Available Now for Nexus
Expected for several months by users angered by bugs of Nexus device, the update 4.4.3 Android KitKat begins to be pushed from Google's servers.
Google began pushing for three days the update to Android KitKat 4.4.3 (56 MB) for its Nexus 4, 5, 7 and 10 Very expected by users of Nexus 5 -. Including yours truly - this update corrects a host of bugs, including several particularly annoying. The problem with Skype for example, but especially the use of the camera that became impossible after a few shots. It was necessary to restart the terminal to resume pictures. Problems focusing the camera in normal or HDR mode are also corrected.
Another very annoying point the incessant and unnecessary queries APN (mm-qcamera-daemon) that accelerated discharge of the battery, yet few valiant with only 2300 mAh. Other Android smartphones, like the Samsung Galaxy Note 3, also suffer from this bad connection between the APN and the processor, resulting in a rapid discharge of the battery.
This version 4.4.3 also brings a redesign of the interface Smartphone, quite destitute it is true for a man accustomed to that of an iPhone user, better management of VoIP calls and the end of random reboots.
Google began pushing for three days the update to Android KitKat 4.4.3 (56 MB) for its Nexus 4, 5, 7 and 10 Very expected by users of Nexus 5 -. Including yours truly - this update corrects a host of bugs, including several particularly annoying. The problem with Skype for example, but especially the use of the camera that became impossible after a few shots. It was necessary to restart the terminal to resume pictures. Problems focusing the camera in normal or HDR mode are also corrected.
Another very annoying point the incessant and unnecessary queries APN (mm-qcamera-daemon) that accelerated discharge of the battery, yet few valiant with only 2300 mAh. Other Android smartphones, like the Samsung Galaxy Note 3, also suffer from this bad connection between the APN and the processor, resulting in a rapid discharge of the battery.
This version 4.4.3 also brings a redesign of the interface Smartphone, quite destitute it is true for a man accustomed to that of an iPhone user, better management of VoIP calls and the end of random reboots.
Android KitKat 4.4.3 Available Now for Nexus
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2:39 م