Twitter Analytics available on iOS
Twitter Analytics integrates its mobile app, but only on iOS. Any user can now judge with a click of the effectiveness of its media strategy.
Analytics function, a dashboard, like Google Analytics for websites, identifies the views of each of a user's tweets over a period of 28 days and lists the "commitments" (retweets, favorites, click on the inserted links, etc ...) to the public. It is also a preferred gateway to the service "Advertisements" Twitter for those who wish to boost their traffic. A tweet from a Twitter developer tells us that Twitter now deploy this functionality on their mobile app.
For now, it is only for iOS users in the US, but it should soon be integrated Android. This update allows a mobile user to visualize the impact of his tweets about his audience with a simple click on the "View Details Analytics" button. It can access data on a particular tweet and answer some questions such as "what the indicators for Tweets do they differ between classical and sponsored operations? How are my recent performance against past results? How are the engaging figures broken down by type? "...
Twitter Analytics was originally designed as a tool for advertisers and community managers. The social network targeted, with this feature, those who need to know more than the weight of their publications, monitoring or answers. Is a feature that allows them to analyze the impact of their policies on social media. But the public also found there interest: everyone wants to know if his tweets are popular. As a result, Twitter has made its services available to all end of August.
Analytics function, a dashboard, like Google Analytics for websites, identifies the views of each of a user's tweets over a period of 28 days and lists the "commitments" (retweets, favorites, click on the inserted links, etc ...) to the public. It is also a preferred gateway to the service "Advertisements" Twitter for those who wish to boost their traffic. A tweet from a Twitter developer tells us that Twitter now deploy this functionality on their mobile app.
For now, it is only for iOS users in the US, but it should soon be integrated Android. This update allows a mobile user to visualize the impact of his tweets about his audience with a simple click on the "View Details Analytics" button. It can access data on a particular tweet and answer some questions such as "what the indicators for Tweets do they differ between classical and sponsored operations? How are my recent performance against past results? How are the engaging figures broken down by type? "...
Twitter Analytics was originally designed as a tool for advertisers and community managers. The social network targeted, with this feature, those who need to know more than the weight of their publications, monitoring or answers. Is a feature that allows them to analyze the impact of their policies on social media. But the public also found there interest: everyone wants to know if his tweets are popular. As a result, Twitter has made its services available to all end of August.
Twitter Analytics available on iOS
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9:32 ص